Crossword — Cryptic — 15x15 grid

A 15 x 15 grid crossword with cryptic clues which can require considerable effort and a certain amount of lateral thinking to solve. Ideal for crossword enthusiasts who would like to try something challenging.
Download sample puzzle- 1 x puzzle PDF
- 1 x puzzle EPS
- 1 x solution PDF
- 1 x solution EPS
- 1 x clues text file
- 1 x solution text file
Files are packaged in a ZIP archive for download.
Suggested coverage (cm2) | 271.4 |
Average completion time | 45+ minutes |
Relative difficulty | Hard |
Our Cryptic Crossword — 15x15 grid can be laid out in a number of ways to suit your space requirements. We have prepared a sample layout document for you to download.
Download sample layouts